Samantha Lim 林淑燕

License No.: eCMSRL/B7268/2017

Senior Financial Consultant

Wealth That GROWS, Legacies That LAST.

With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, I am dedicated to helping busy individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of wealth management.

My approach is centered around understanding your unique goals and values, ensuring that your financial journey is both fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.

I believe that your wealth should be:

  • SECURELY SAFEGUARDED against all risks, giving you the confidence to pursue your dreams.
  • SUSTAINABLY GROWN over the long term, so you can enjoy the benefits of your investments for years to come.
  • STRATEGICALLY OPTIMIZED for maximum returns, ensuring that your financial resources are working as hard as you do.
  • WISELY DISTRIBUTED with future generations and meaningful causes, allowing you to create a legacy that reflects your principles.
  • Designed to create a PASSIVE INCOME STREAM, so you can stop working for your money and enjoy the freedom that comes with financial independence.
  • Built to establish a financial SAFETY NET for you and your loved ones, providing peace of mind in uncertain times.
I pride myself on my client-centric approach—there are no pushy tactics here. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions.
Together, we can create a comprehensive plan that not only protects your wealth but also paves the way for a brighter financial future. Let’s embark on this journey together!
Life Insurance Partners
Leading Fund Houses
Investment Platforms

My Services

Property Consultation
Financial Literacy Workshop
Dont Let Insurance Gaps Cost You: Peace of Mind Starts with Proper Insurance
Will & Trust
Family Business Succession Planning
Passive Income Portfolio - Raise Your Own Golden Goose!
IPO vs M&A - 你不可不知的游戏规则
1 to 1 Financial Coaching

My Content

Common Financial Mistakes: A Wake-Up Call
About Me
新闻报报看 | 内陆税收局首席执行员莫哈末尼宗在接受《每日新闻》访问时,若欠税者离世,那么税收局是可以向死者遗产继承人或管理人追税,而遗产继承人或管理人不可以不理会,否则将会在1967年所得税法令第106条文下,被控上庭。(主播:庄文杰、郑萱荟)

My Testimonials

Having Samantha as my financial consultant is a great blessing as she is very knowledgeable, dependable and trustworthy. For the first time I feel comfortable with a Financial consultant, also she has the patience in the world to explain facts and guide me through. I appreciate her advices.

Dr Eng


Samatha是我们的规划师,更是我太太打中学起就认识的中学同窗同学。 多年前她自荐给我们当规划师,我们毫不犹疑地就放心把我们理得一塌糊涂的全家规划交给她了。因为,我们深深了解这位几十年的朋友的性格,绝对是一位可靠尽责而又诚实细心的规划师。 这可不,在这几年下来,她可是用行动和成绩让我们坚信了我们当初的决定是对的!

Yew Boon & Theng Theng

Business Owner

Samantha is a beautiful and enthusiastic person. She never give up to pursue her dream. She is versatile, self-motivated and persistent on her job. She set herself in the customers’ perspective like no one does, always think of best possible solutions, and in best interest for her clients. She is not only an advisor but also a trustworthy friend!

Cheah Sok Wah

Company Director

我认识Samantha 已经十多年了,当时她在银行管理我公司的户口。她一直都很努力和尽责,所以当我知道她转行成为财务顾问,我就让她处理我全家的财务规划。我觉得她会越做越好,因为她真的很为客户着想!她也不断努力充实自己各方面的知识,希望她也不要忘记把自己的健康照顾好,不要太劳累。加油。

Ms Chong

Financial Controller

Samantha 是由我的亲戚介绍认识的。当时我已经有许多代理和银行在处理我的财务和投资。Samantha 和其他人不一样的是,她会问很多问题,然后跟我分析每个选择的利与弊,深入商量和确保我的需求才给我适合我的财务建议。她很细心的留意每个细节,很多连我都没有想到的问题,她都会提醒我,以免我做出错误决定。我是个步入退休年龄的生意人,真的很需要一个诚实可靠的规划师。她的服务和态度让我很放心的把她介绍给身边的朋友。



I must say how appealing and impressed it is for me, the way Samantha is keeping in touch and giving us the best levels of service and reassurance. She is very dedicated and knowledgable and constantly acted “Above and Beyond her Call of Duty (ABCD) in discharging the duties entrusted to her. She is definitely an asset to any organisation that she is attached to.

Lim Ewe Tatt

Chief Operating Officer

Samantha has always been my preferred financial planner for years. I entrusted her not only because of her professionalism, high level of integrity and dedication, but mostly for her stand of looking after every customer interest as if she is doing for her family and for her own. Her honest and upfront approach is highly exemplary and one which is hard to find now as most in the industry are sales target and self interest driven.

Eugene Tan

Business Owner

My Contact



Samantha Lim 林淑燕

License No.: eCMSRL/B7268/2017

Senior Financial Consultant

Wealth That GROWS, Legacies That LAST.

With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, I am dedicated to helping busy individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of wealth management.

My approach is centered around understanding your unique goals and values, ensuring that your financial journey is both fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.

I believe that your wealth should be:

  • SECURELY SAFEGUARDED against all risks, giving you the confidence to pursue your dreams.
  • SUSTAINABLY GROWN over the long term, so you can enjoy the benefits of your investments for years to come.
  • STRATEGICALLY OPTIMIZED for maximum returns, ensuring that your financial resources are working as hard as you do.
  • WISELY DISTRIBUTED with future generations and meaningful causes, allowing you to create a legacy that reflects your principles.
  • Designed to create a PASSIVE INCOME STREAM, so you can stop working for your money and enjoy the freedom that comes with financial independence.
  • Built to establish a financial SAFETY NET for you and your loved ones, providing peace of mind in uncertain times.
I pride myself on my client-centric approach—there are no pushy tactics here. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions.
Together, we can create a comprehensive plan that not only protects your wealth but also paves the way for a brighter financial future. Let’s embark on this journey together!

Comprehensive Financial Planning for Young Families: Secure Their Future

· Protect What Matters: Create safety nets and estate plans.

· Trust Funds: Set up education and lifestyle maintenance trusts for minor children, ensuring their needs are met if the unexpected happens.

Personalized Plans for Individuals: Prepare for the Unexpected

· Living Trusts: Plan for Peace of Mind - Set up a living trust to dictate how your assets are used to support your future self. Especially during the face of health challenges like stroke, dementia, or disability.

· Tailored Solutions: Address specific concerns with personalized financial planning.

Simplify Financial Management for Busy Families

· Diversified Portfolios: Align with risk profiles and goals.

· Example: A busy doctor benefits from a mix of local and global assets, bonds, real estate, and a "Golden Goose" portfolio for steady income.

Real-Life Impact

· High-Earning Executive: Maintained lifestyle after job loss, thanks to their "Golden Goose" portfolio.

· Sole-Income Earner: Focused on recovery during early retirement due to health issues, supported by consistent income.

Protect Against Scams and Financial Stress

· Secure Solutions: Hassle-free investment options for tech-unsavvy retirees.

· Peace of Mind: Safeguard your hard-earned savings with confidence.

Click HERE to schedule an appointment with me today!

My greatest achievements are TRUST gained over the years from all my clients and business partners.

Professional Qualifications

Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)

Registered Estate Planner (REP)

Bank Negara Approved Financial Adviser Representative (FAR) under the Financial Services Act 2013
Securities Commission Capital Markets Services Representative Licence (CMSRL) holder under Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 for:
– Financial Planning
– Dealing in Securities (Unit Trust Products)
– Dealing in Private Retirement Schemes

Active member of Financial Planning Association Malaysia (FPAM)

Click here if you wish to share some feedbacks / testimonials.

Life Insurance Partners
Leading Fund Houses
Investment Platforms

My Services

Property Consultation
Financial Literacy Workshop
Dont Let Insurance Gaps Cost You: Peace of Mind Starts with Proper Insurance

My Content

Common Financial Mistakes: A Wake-Up Call
Have you ever felt trapped by your finances, like a hamster on a wheel, going nowhere fast? Do yo...
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The Silent Thief In Your Wallet: INFLATION
Imagine you’ve worked tirelessly, saved every penny, and finally have a sizable sum tucked ...
个案分享(1) 遗产规划:
学习篇: 遇到以上情形,唯一能做的就是重新申请LA (Letter of Administration)。因为银行必须跟着程序...
新闻报报看 | 内陆税收局首席执行员莫哈末尼宗在接受《每日新闻》访问时,若欠税者离世,那么税收局是可以向死者遗产继承人或管理人追税,而遗产继承人或管理人不可以不理会,否则将会在1967年所得税法令第106条文下,被控上庭。(主播:庄文杰、郑萱荟)
想知道如何以最有效的方式解决以上问题?同时让不懂法律的遗嘱执行人可以安心处理遗产分配? 联络我,我...
About Me
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Your Beneficiaries Can’t Handle Their Finances – What Do You Do?
Safeguarding Your Legacy: The Importance of Creating a Trust for Financially Incapable Beneficiar...
My Interview: Smart Investor - May/June 2021 | Issue 367 - Retirement Planning
1. What is the number 1 advice you would give all your clients of retirement age (aka baby boomer...
Business Succession Planning - Passing on the baton
As successful business owners age, they may realise the need to plan for the next generation to t...
Navigating Succession in Family Businesses
The Covid-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of succession planning for family b...
试想一下这样的场景: 你正值壮年,事业有成,家庭幸福。你以为生活会一直这样平稳地过下去。然而,一场...


Having Samantha as my financial consultant is a great blessing as she is very knowledgeable, dependable and trustworthy. For the first time I feel comfortable with a Financial consultant, also she has the patience in the world to explain facts and guide me through. I appreciate her advices.

Dr Eng


Samatha是我们的规划师,更是我太太打中学起就认识的中学同窗同学。 多年前她自荐给我们当规划师,我们毫不犹疑地就放心把我们理得一塌糊涂的全家规划交给她了。因为,我们深深了解这位几十年的朋友的性格,绝对是一位可靠尽责而又诚实细心的规划师。 这可不,在这几年下来,她可是用行动和成绩让我们坚信了我们当初的决定是对的!

Yew Boon & Theng Theng

Business Owner

Samantha is a beautiful and enthusiastic person. She never give up to pursue her dream. She is versatile, self-motivated and persistent on her job. She set herself in the customers’ perspective like no one does, always think of best possible solutions, and in best interest for her clients. She is not only an advisor but also a trustworthy friend!

Cheah Sok Wah

Company Director

我认识Samantha 已经十多年了,当时她在银行管理我公司的户口。她一直都很努力和尽责,所以当我知道她转行成为财务顾问,我就让她处理我全家的财务规划。我觉得她会越做越好,因为她真的很为客户着想!她也不断努力充实自己各方面的知识,希望她也不要忘记把自己的健康照顾好,不要太劳累。加油。

Ms Chong

Financial Controller

Samantha 是由我的亲戚介绍认识的。当时我已经有许多代理和银行在处理我的财务和投资。Samantha 和其他人不一样的是,她会问很多问题,然后跟我分析每个选择的利与弊,深入商量和确保我的需求才给我适合我的财务建议。她很细心的留意每个细节,很多连我都没有想到的问题,她都会提醒我,以免我做出错误决定。我是个步入退休年龄的生意人,真的很需要一个诚实可靠的规划师。她的服务和态度让我很放心的把她介绍给身边的朋友。



I must say how appealing and impressed it is for me, the way Samantha is keeping in touch and giving us the best levels of service and reassurance. She is very dedicated and knowledgable and constantly acted “Above and Beyond her Call of Duty (ABCD) in discharging the duties entrusted to her. She is definitely an asset to any organisation that she is attached to.

Lim Ewe Tatt

Chief Operating Officer

Samantha has always been my preferred financial planner for years. I entrusted her not only because of her professionalism, high level of integrity and dedication, but mostly for her stand of looking after every customer interest as if she is doing for her family and for her own. Her honest and upfront approach is highly exemplary and one which is hard to find now as most in the industry are sales target and self interest driven.

Eugene Tan

Business Owner

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