We all know about IQ and EQ, but how often have you came across someone who talks about FQ (Financial Quotient)?
Financial Quotient, positively, is the ability to grow and preserve one’s wealth.
Most of us started off with rat race soon after we graduated – the vicious cycle we learned from a young age that the only way to get ahead is to go to a good school, get a good job, and work harder and harder to try and get ahead.
I was too, in the rat race until I started to realise that I might not be able to escape from this if I continue the way I once lived. Obviously I do not enjoy the process of long hours working for wages and very limited time for family, and always on the go. If I don’t do something about it, soon I will have mid-life crisis (after calculated how far is my financial independence gap from my retirement goal). Which is why I took the courage to step out and start my revolutionary journey 10 years back – with no regrets.
Today, with a clarity of mind, I am ready to educate my kid about financial quotients – an important wisdom that can impact his money making decision in future. I wish I have learned it much earlier but I am still grateful for knowing it not too late. Completed CFP course may have equipped me with financial planning knowledges but real life case studies from my encounters were the wake up calls. I am thankful to have the insights of financial intelligences in my past, and wish to contribute my knowledges and experiences to improve one’s financial well-being.
Hi, my name is Samantha – A huge believer in being client-centric when it comes to financial matters. I specialise in managing portfolios for the high networth individuals, business owners and busy middle income families. I adopt and advocate a comprehensive and holistic approach towards financial planning and help my clients make better monetary decisions.
If you wish to exchange ideas and talk about your future plan during a coffee session, drop me a message!
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” – Alan Lakein.
Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs.
With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, I am dedicated to helping busy individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of wealth management.
My approach is centered around understanding your unique goals and values, ensuring that your financial journey is both fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.
🔹 谨慎保护 —— 远离不必要的风险,让您无忧追梦;
🔹 持续增长 —— 以长远视角稳健投资,让财富惠及未来;
🔹 战略优化 —— 提高回报率,确保您的资金发挥最大效用;
🔹 智慧传承 —— 留给后代或回馈社会,打造符合您价值观的财富传承;
🔹 打造被动收入 —— 让财富为您工作,实现财务自由;
🔹 建立安全保障 —— 为您和家人构筑坚实的经济后盾,安享未来。
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