



  • 老有所养: 谁能保证我们不会老去?养老金、存款,是晚年生活的底气。
  • 病有所医: 生老病死,谁也无法预料。医疗保险、应急基金,是健康的最大保障。
  • 爱有所继: 我们都希望自己的爱能绵延下去。合理的遗产规划,是爱的延续。
  • 幼有所护: 孩子是我们的未来。教育基金、保险,是为孩子铺好人生路。
  • 财有所承: 钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的。财富增值,是让生活更富足。
  • 壮有所倚: 人生最美好的时光,也最容易挥霍。趁年轻,未雨绸缪,为未来打下基础。
  • 亲有所仗: 家是我们的港湾。当家人需要帮助时,我们能及时伸出援手。
  • 钱有所积: 小钱积少成多,积蓄是抵御风险的盾牌。
  • 产有所保: 辛苦一辈子,财产是我们的成果。通过保险、法律手段,保护我们的财产。


  • 通货膨胀:钱会越来越不值钱,不提前规划,未来生活将举步维艰。
  • 疾病风险:一场大病可能耗尽全家积蓄,健康保险是必须的。
  • 意外风险:意外随时可能发生,一份意外险能让我们更有安全感。
  • 养老危机:养老金可能不足以保障晚年生活,我们需要提前做好准备。







Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs.

Published By:

Samantha Lim 林淑燕

With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, I am dedicated to helping busy individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of wealth management.

My approach is centered around understanding your unique goals and values, ensuring that your financial journey is both fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.

I believe that your wealth should be:

  • SECURELY SAFEGUARDED against all risks, giving you the confidence to pursue your dreams.
  • SUSTAINABLY GROWN over the long term, so you can enjoy the benefits of your investments for years to come.
  • STRATEGICALLY OPTIMIZED for maximum returns, ensuring that your financial resources are working as hard as you do.
  • WISELY DISTRIBUTED with future generations and meaningful causes, allowing you to create a legacy that reflects your principles.
  • Designed to create a PASSIVE INCOME STREAM, so you can stop working for your money and enjoy the freedom that comes with financial independence.
  • Built to establish a financial SAFETY NET for you and your loved ones, providing peace of mind in uncertain times.
I pride myself on my client-centric approach—there are no pushy tactics here. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions.
Together, we can create a comprehensive plan that not only protects your wealth but also paves the way for a brighter financial future. Let’s embark on this journey together!

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